Cats should be fed some wet food daily


  Recommendations for feeding your cat have changed over the years. I can remember when the only choice was canned Puss N’ Boots. Then came the dry food revolution, and we swung from a high moisture diet to the opposite end of the scale. Now we know that some canned food should be included in your cat’s diet every day.

Treats or trouble?


  Treat (noun): an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure. Treats are an everyday part of interacting with your pet. They can include play time, affection and special toys, but most often we associate treats with a food item.

Veterinary diets – something to chew on


  As your pet’s health care provider, an integral part of what I do involves dietary counselling. After examining your pet, I will select a veterinary prescription diet that is ideally suited for your pet’s nutritional needs. We call our diets prescription foods because they are selected by a doctor to treat or prevent medical conditions. This makes them different … Read More