Cats are a territorial species. Confrontation with other cats usually results in a shouting match, but it can escalate to full contact fighting when the cats are outside. Bite wounds are particularly nasty, since the bacteria in the mouth and on the teeth get through the skin and into the underlying tissue. The skin wound heals over and seals the … Read More
Spring is finally here!
It is time to get outdoors and enjoy some warmer temperatures. Most dogs had limited exercise over the cold winter, so be sure to ease them into physical activity. Check out this link for more detailed information on fitness and conditioning.
Itchy pets
This is the time of year when I see a lot of itchy pets, dogs in particular. There are a number of environmental factors in late summer and fall that affect the skin and cause itching.
Focus on parasites
With the arrival of spring, it is time to turn our attention to parasite detection and prevention. After a long winter, more than just the crocuses are waking up.