Social Media and ……….. Merry Christmas!

joanneHolidays, Seasonal, Uncategorized

2015 has been the first full year of social media for me, and it is still an adjustment. I’d like to get more traffic onto our Facebook Page, so if you are a member, visit our page and ‘like’ us. I try and post local lost and found pets through the Orillia SPCA, so every little bit of exposure helps. … Read More

Spring is finally here!

joanneSeasonal, Uncategorized

It is time to get outdoors and enjoy some warmer temperatures. Most dogs had limited exercise over the cold winter, so be sure to ease them into physical activity. Check out this link for more detailed information on fitness and conditioning.

Ear infections

joanneEars, Skin, Uncategorized

Ear infections (otitis externa) are a common occurrence in our pets and can cause scratching, rubbing, and head shaking. Some pet owners will notice a dirty ear that needs to be cleaned all the time. A normal, healthy ear needs no intervention, so a build up of wax means something is wrong.

What is a lick granuloma?


  When a dog constantly licks an area of skin, they can create a bald, red and often thickened patch of skin that we call a lick granuloma.

Itchy pets

joanneParasites, Skin, Uncategorized

  This is the time of year when I see a lot of itchy pets, dogs in particular. There are a number of environmental factors in late summer and fall that affect the skin and cause itching.

Canine hot spots


  While many welcome the advent of hot weather, the combination of heat and humidity increases the incidence of skin issues in our pets.

Keeping your pet fit

joanneExercise, Fitness, Uncategorized, Weight

Fitness is something we take for granted in our pets. Most young pets are more active than their owners, but older pets can lose their enthusiasm for play and become more sedate. If the food amount stays the same, the end result is weight gain. Over feeding contributes to weight gain, but so does under exercising.

Focus on parasites


With the arrival of spring, it is time to turn our attention to parasite detection and prevention. After a long winter, more than just the crocuses are waking up.