Ultrasound tests for your pet


Patches is relaxed and comfortable during her ultrasound,

Patches is relaxed and comfortable during her ultrasound,

Ultrasound imaging is very familiar to us as human patients. For pets, it was always available on a referral basis. Now we can offer this service at our clinic. We have an experienced animal ultrasound technician who will come to our clinic to do the procedure. The digital images are sent to a board certified veterinary radiologist or cardiologist who reads the recording and sends the final report to me, usually within 24 hours.

Ultrasounds are used to get a view of the inside of the body. They give us extra details about certain organs that radiographs can’t. They are especially good for abdominal problems and checking out the heart. They are not so good for bones and lungs, so we still rely on traditional radiographs as part of a full work up. Undergoing an ultrasound doesn’t hurt, but your pet will need to be shaved and lie still for about 20 minutes. Most patients do just fine, while a few may need some sedation.

Having easy access to ultrasound makes it very convenient for our clients. For most of our patients, the ultrasound report will give me the information I need to know to get your pet on the appropriate treatment. We will still occasionally refer some pets to a specialist, since in those cases the specialist actually performs the ultrasound makes a diagnosis on the spot. They can also take needle samples during the same visit for biopsies or further tests.

Ultrasound technology helps us deliver state of the art diagnostics to our patients. Either by a referral specialist or done here by a technician, this helpful tool enables a quicker diagnosis and more timely implementation of a treatment plan.